We’re excited to announce that Krista Rasey recently joined Acclaro as our People Operations Manager!
Based in the United States, Krista is focused on the employee life cycle, reporting and compliance, policy and procedure management, and initiatives around company culture and engagement.
Krista’s mission is to provide others the support they need to meet their objectives and succeed in their roles.
According to Krista, “I’m excited about my role at Acclaro because I have the opportunity to strategically support the internal growth of a company that intentionally enhances and diversifies the services it provides. I am a strong advocate of Acclaro’s aim to create value around the world by increasing the accessibility of our clients’ offerings.”
Fun facts about Krista:
- Her three dogs (Presley, Sinatra and Aoife) keep her busy during her free time and sometimes make an unexpected appearance in video meetings during working hours!
- She grew up and still lives 20 minutes away from one of the Wonders of the World (Niagara Falls)
- In her free time, she enjoys studying Italian
- She’s a big Buffalo Bills fan 🏈

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