What is a translation management system (TMS)?

Expert translation often requires numerous moving parts—multiple files, multiple people, multiple touch points.
If only there were a type of software to automate the translation process, improve efficiencies and manage translation and localization efforts.
There is. It’s called a translation management system (TMS). TMS is software that automates part of the translation process and maximizes translator efficiency, thus productivity. With an innovative translation management system, your translation team can work faster and smarter.
A powerful, must-have tool for translators
Outlook, Dropbox and Excel are all valuable tools to improve efficiency. However, good luck using them to manage multiple translation and localization projects at once. It just can’t be done efficiently.
An innovative translation management system makes life easier for the translation team, whether they are across the office or across oceans.
One of the most time-saving functions of a TMS is translation memory management. All previously translated phrases from your projects can be accessed to expedite future projects and eliminate repetitive tasks.
Within translation management also lies terminology management, which is a glossary (or term base) of industry-specific and company-specific terms that a client shares with their translation team. This ensures that consistency is king, as terms and translations (not to mention brand names and product names) are used consistently throughout the translation process.
Translation management systems can also manage project workflow seamlessly between numerous translators. They connect to content management systems for planned content publishing, and can even assign translation jobs to the right translators—without requiring human interaction.
A TMS closely monitors project management as well, allowing the translation team to access detailed reporting to ensure projects are within budget and on time. And if your company is ready to implement machine translation, the very best translation management systems are ready for deployment.
Be aware, however, that even the best TMS platforms require translation experts well-versed in TMS. You don’t want to give the keys to a powerful, efficient car to someone who does not know how to drive. Seek experienced professionals, to say the least.
When you need your translation team to tackle multiple projects in multiple languages against inflexible deadlines, you need a powerful, innovative translation management system. One that can handle all non-essential tasks on its own, while letting the professionals perform their translation tasks at optimal efficiency. Contact the Acclaro team today to see how our experience can help your business grow.
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